En un sueño de palabras...

Una experiencia de lectura en inglés

23 feb 2010
El anciano Li Po, personaje de Las Cajas de China, y Mih Yan, el Príncipe Crisantemo

Los alumnos de María Constantino en la ciudad de Querétaro han aceptado correr un reto excepcional: leer tres de mis libros de literatura infantil y juvenil en español y volcar la experiencia lectora al inglés. Hoy recibo la primera carta, de Mauri Betancourt, que tiene 8 años:

Dear Maria:

How are you?
I hope that you are very well, I like a lot your book LAS CAJAS DE CHINA. Because each box has a surprise.
I liked more the part when the dragon became in a real animal, I mean 36 colors part.

Which of your books do you like more and why?

I am 8 years old and I am in 3rd. grade. What other books do you have for children like me? I love to read!

And what are the names of all the books that you have written?


Mauri Betancourt

Dear Mauri:

Thanks a lot for reading my books.
My favorite one is Las Cajas de China, because I could put in those "boxes" all my love and interest about ancient cultures, Egypt, China and India, and because I always wanted to make great trips like oncle Gustavo Tajin.

I have written many books, like "The disc of time", "The disc of heaven", "The disc of Troy", "Sibila", "Beloved Alexandria", "My grandfather Moctezuma", "Berenice the mermaid", etc. etc.

Looking forward to see you soon,
